About us

The Road Runner is a communications agency comprised of a group of young people flanked by a team of experts. It is based in Tirana and operates all over Europe.
Offering professional social media management for companies of any size, we maintain our clients’ Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn profiles on a consistent and continuous basis. While it’s obviously true that clients have goals to achieve, and that these are often mistakenly summed up as simply an increase in sales, we’re actually sure that this isn’t the only thing companies are interested in. Where many self-styled experts in the field promise heaven and earth, guaranteeing higher revenues, our work demonstrates that, before thinking about achieving increased sales, it is first and foremost essential to carry out high-quality work upstream in order to be able to guarantee good visibility and also good “renown”.
In other words, we don’t create false expectations in our clients. What we do is guarantee a consistent and continuous social media presence for companies, leading to contact opportunities with new customers.
To this end, we are passionately dedicated to content, writing high-quality texts that satisfy the target audience and increase their engagement, through smooth and precise lines of communication that identify the style of a given company on the various digital platforms.
We also promote brands by periodically sending out informative newsletters, direct email marketing (DEM) and press releases, in which we tell companies’ “behind the scenes” story, promote some of their products and/or services, and provide information about particular events, trade fairs and shows in which they are involved.